DrawerInterface::arc() — Method in class DrawerInterface
Draws an arc on a starting at a given x, y coordinates under a given start and end angles.
BlackWhite::apply() — Method in class BlackWhite
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Border::apply() — Method in class Border
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Canvas::apply() — Method in class Canvas
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Negation::apply() — Method in class Negation
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Neighborhood::apply() — Method in class Neighborhood
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
OnPixelBased::apply() — Method in class OnPixelBased
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
RelativeResize::apply() — Method in class RelativeResize
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
ApplyMaskClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
An apply mask filter.
ApplyMask::apply() — Method in class ApplyMask
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
AutorotateClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
Rotates an image automatically based on exif information.
Autorotate::apply() — Method in class Autorotate
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Copy::apply() — Method in class Copy
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Crop::apply() — Method in class Crop
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Fill::apply() — Method in class Fill
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
FlipHorizontally::apply() — Method in class FlipHorizontally
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
FlipVertically::apply() — Method in class FlipVertically
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Paste::apply() — Method in class Paste
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Resize::apply() — Method in class Resize
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Rotate::apply() — Method in class Rotate
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Save::apply() — Method in class Save
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Show::apply() — Method in class Show
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Strip::apply() — Method in class Strip
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Thumbnail::apply() — Method in class Thumbnail
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
WebOptimization::apply() — Method in class WebOptimization
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
FilterInterface::apply() — Method in class FilterInterface
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Transformation::applyFilter() — Method in class Transformation
Applies a given FilterInterface onto given ImageInterface and returns modified ImageInterface.
Transformation::apply() — Method in class Transformation
Applies scheduled transformation to an ImageInterface instance.
Transformation::applyMask() — Method in class Transformation
Applies a given mask to current image's alpha channel.
Transformation::add() — Method in class Transformation
Registers a given FilterInterface in an internal array of filters for later application to an instance of ImageInterface.
Drawer::arc() — Method in class Drawer
Draws an arc on a starting at a given x, y coordinates under a given start and end angles.
Image::applyMask() — Method in class Image
Applies a given mask to current image's alpha channel.
Layers::animate() — Method in class Layers
Animates layers.
Drawer::arc() — Method in class Drawer
Draws an arc on a starting at a given x, y coordinates under a given start and end angles.
Image::applyMask() — Method in class Image
Applies a given mask to current image's alpha channel.
Layers::animate() — Method in class Layers
Animates layers.
AbstractFontClass in namespace Imagine\Image
Abstract font base class.
AbstractImageClass in namespace Imagine\Image
AbstractImagineClass in namespace Imagine\Image
AbstractLayersClass in namespace Imagine\Image
AbstractLayers::add() — Method in class AbstractLayers
Adds an image at the end of the layers stack.
Bucket::add() — Method in class Bucket
LayersInterface::animate() — Method in class LayersInterface
Animates layers.
LayersInterface::add() — Method in class LayersInterface
Adds an image at the end of the layers stack.
ManipulatorInterface::applyMask() — Method in class ManipulatorInterface
Applies a given mask to current image's alpha channel.
AbstractMetadataReaderClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Metadata
Base class for the default metadata readers.
Drawer::arc() — Method in class Drawer
Draws an arc on a starting at a given x, y coordinates under a given start and end angles.
Image::applyMask() — Method in class Image
Applies a given mask to current image's alpha channel.
Layers::animate() — Method in class Layers
Animates layers.


EffectsInterface::blur() — Method in class EffectsInterface
Blur the image.
EffectsInterface::brightness() — Method in class EffectsInterface
Changes the brightness of the image.
BlackWhiteClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Advanced
This filter calculates, for each pixel of an image, whether it is ligher or darker than a threshold.
BorderClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Advanced
A border filter.
BorderDetectionClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Advanced
BorderDetection based on Laplace-Operator. Three different variants are offered:.
Effects::blur() — Method in class Effects
Blur the image.
Effects::brightness() — Method in class Effects
Changes the brightness of the image.
Font::box() — Method in class Font
Gets BoxInterface of font size on the image based on string and angle.
Effects::blur() — Method in class Effects
Blur the image.
Effects::brightness() — Method in class Effects
Changes the brightness of the image.
Font::box() — Method in class Font
Gets BoxInterface of font size on the image based on string and angle.
BoxClass in namespace Imagine\Image
A box implementation.
BoxInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Image
Interface for a box.
FontInterface::box() — Method in class FontInterface
Gets BoxInterface of font size on the image based on string and angle.
BucketClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Histogram
Bucket histogram.
CMYK::blend() — Method in class CMYK
Blend two colors given an amount.
Grayscale::blend() — Method in class Grayscale
Blend two colors given an amount.
PaletteInterface::blend() — Method in class PaletteInterface
Blend two colors given an amount.
RGB::blend() — Method in class RGB
Blend two colors given an amount.
Effects::blur() — Method in class Effects
Blur the image.
Effects::brightness() — Method in class Effects
Changes the brightness of the image.
Font::box() — Method in class Font
Gets BoxInterface of font size on the image based on string and angle.


DrawerInterface::chord() — Method in class DrawerInterface
Same as arc, but also connects end points with a straight line.
DrawerInterface::circle() — Method in class DrawerInterface
Draws and circle with center at the given x, y coordinates, and given radius.
EffectsInterface::colorize() — Method in class EffectsInterface
Colorize the image.
EffectsInterface::convolve() — Method in class EffectsInterface
Convolves the image.
ClassFactoryClass in namespace Imagine\Factory
The default implementation of Imagine\Factory\ClassFactoryInterface.
ClassFactory::createMetadataReader() — Method in class ClassFactory
Create a new instance of a metadata reader.
ClassFactory::createBox() — Method in class ClassFactory
Create new BoxInterface instance.
ClassFactory::createFileLoader() — Method in class ClassFactory
Create a new instance of a file loader.
ClassFactory::createDrawer() — Method in class ClassFactory
Create a new DrawerInterface instance.
ClassFactory::createLayers() — Method in class ClassFactory
Crate a new instance of a layers interface.
ClassFactory::createEffects() — Method in class ClassFactory
Create a new EffectsInterface instance.
ClassFactory::createImage() — Method in class ClassFactory
Create a new ImageInterface instance.
ClassFactory::createFont() — Method in class ClassFactory
Create new FontInterface instance.
ClassFactoryAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Factory
An interface that classes that accepts a class factory should implement.
ClassFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Factory
The interface that class factories must implement.
ClassFactoryInterface::createMetadataReader() — Method in class ClassFactoryInterface
Create a new instance of a metadata reader.
ClassFactoryInterface::createBox() — Method in class ClassFactoryInterface
Create new BoxInterface instance.
ClassFactoryInterface::createFont() — Method in class ClassFactoryInterface
Create new FontInterface instance.
ClassFactoryInterface::createFileLoader() — Method in class ClassFactoryInterface
Create a new instance of a file loader.
ClassFactoryInterface::createLayers() — Method in class ClassFactoryInterface
Crate a new instance of a layers interface.
ClassFactoryInterface::createImage() — Method in class ClassFactoryInterface
Create a new ImageInterface instance.
ClassFactoryInterface::createDrawer() — Method in class ClassFactoryInterface
Create a new DrawerInterface instance.
ClassFactoryInterface::createEffects() — Method in class ClassFactoryInterface
Create a new EffectsInterface instance.
Loader::checkLocalFile() — Method in class Loader
Check that the file exists and it's readable.
CanvasClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Advanced
A canvas filter.
$OnPixelBased#callbackProperty in class OnPixelBased
CopyClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
A copy filter.
CropClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
A crop filter.
Transformation::copy() — Method in class Transformation
Copies current source image into a new ImageInterface instance.
Transformation::crop() — Method in class Transformation
Crops a specified box out of the source image (modifies the source image) Returns cropped self.
Drawer::chord() — Method in class Drawer
This function does not work properly because of a bug in GD.
Drawer::circle() — Method in class Drawer
Draws and circle with center at the given x, y coordinates, and given radius.
Effects::colorize() — Method in class Effects
Colorize the image.
Effects::convolve() — Method in class Effects
Convolves the image.
Image::copy() — Method in class Image
Copies current source image into a new ImageInterface instance.
Image::crop() — Method in class Image
Crops a specified box out of the source image (modifies the source image) Returns cropped self.
Imagine::create() — Method in class Imagine
Creates a new empty image with an optional background color.
Layers::coalesce() — Method in class Layers
Coalesce layers. Each layer in the sequence is the same size as the first and composited with the next layer in the sequence.
Layers::current() — Method in class Layers
Layers::count() — Method in class Layers
Drawer::chord() — Method in class Drawer
Same as arc, but also connects end points with a straight line.
Drawer::circle() — Method in class Drawer
Draws and circle with center at the given x, y coordinates, and given radius.
Effects::colorize() — Method in class Effects
Colorize the image.
Effects::convolve() — Method in class Effects
Convolves the image.
Image::copy() — Method in class Image
Copies current source image into a new ImageInterface instance.
Image::crop() — Method in class Image
Crops a specified box out of the source image (modifies the source image) Returns cropped self.
Imagine::create() — Method in class Imagine
Creates a new empty image with an optional background color.
Layers::coalesce() — Method in class Layers
Coalesce layers. Each layer in the sequence is the same size as the first and composited with the next layer in the sequence.
Layers::current() — Method in class Layers
Layers::count() — Method in class Layers
$AbstractFont#colorProperty in class AbstractFont
AbstractImagine::checkPath() — Method in class AbstractImagine
Checks a path that could be used with ImagineInterface::open and returns a proper string.
Box::contains() — Method in class Box
Checks whether current box can fit given box at a given start position, start position defaults to top left corner xy(0,0).
BoxInterface::contains() — Method in class BoxInterface
Checks whether current box can fit given box at a given start position, start position defaults to top left corner xy(0,0).
Bucket::count() — Method in class Bucket
Range::contains() — Method in class Range
ImagineInterface::create() — Method in class ImagineInterface
Creates a new empty image with an optional background color.
LayersInterface::coalesce() — Method in class LayersInterface
Coalesce layers. Each layer in the sequence is the same size as the first and composited with the next layer in the sequence.
ManipulatorInterface::copy() — Method in class ManipulatorInterface
Copies current source image into a new ImageInterface instance.
ManipulatorInterface::crop() — Method in class ManipulatorInterface
Crops a specified box out of the source image (modifies the source image) Returns cropped self.
MetadataBag::count() — Method in class MetadataBag
CMYKClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Palette
The CMYK palette.
CMYK::color() — Method in class CMYK
Returns a color given some values.
ColorParserClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Palette
CMYKClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Palette\Color
ColorInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Palette\Color
$Grayscale#colorsProperty in class Grayscale
Grayscale::color() — Method in class Grayscale
Returns a color given some values.
PaletteInterface::color() — Method in class PaletteInterface
Returns a color given some values.
$RGB#colorsProperty in class RGB
RGB::color() — Method in class RGB
Returns a color given some values.
CenterClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Point
Center point of a box.
Drawer::chord() — Method in class Drawer
Same as arc, but also connects end points with a straight line.
Drawer::circle() — Method in class Drawer
Draws and circle with center at the given x, y coordinates, and given radius.
Effects::colorize() — Method in class Effects
Colorize the image.
Effects::convolve() — Method in class Effects
Convolves the image.
Image::copy() — Method in class Image
Copies current source image into a new ImageInterface instance.
Image::crop() — Method in class Image
Crops a specified box out of the source image (modifies the source image) Returns cropped self.
Image::cloneImagick() — Method in class Image
Clone the Imagick resource of this instance.
Imagine::create() — Method in class Imagine
Creates a new empty image with an optional background color.
Layers::coalesce() — Method in class Layers
Coalesce layers. Each layer in the sequence is the same size as the first and composited with the next layer in the sequence.
Layers::current() — Method in class Layers
Layers::count() — Method in class Layers
Matrix::calculatePosition() — Method in class Matrix
Calculate the offset position of a cell.


DrawerInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Draw
Interface for the drawer.
DrawerInterface::dot() — Method in class DrawerInterface
Places a one pixel point at specific coordinates and fills it with specified color.
$Loader#dataProperty in class Loader
The loaded data.
DrawerClass in namespace Imagine\Gd
Drawer implementation using the GD PHP extension.
Drawer::dot() — Method in class Drawer
Places a one pixel point at specific coordinates and fills it with specified color.
Image::draw() — Method in class Image
Instantiates and returns a DrawerInterface instance for image drawing.
DrawerClass in namespace Imagine\Gmagick
Drawer implementation using the Gmagick PHP extension.
Drawer::dot() — Method in class Drawer
Places a one pixel point at specific coordinates and fills it with specified color.
Image::draw() — Method in class Image
Instantiates and returns a DrawerInterface instance for image drawing.
ImageInterface::draw() — Method in class ImageInterface
Instantiates and returns a DrawerInterface instance for image drawing.
DefaultMetadataReaderClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Metadata
A metadata reader that actually doesn't try to extract metadata.
CMYK::dissolve() — Method in class CMYK
Returns a copy of current color, incrementing the alpha channel by the given amount.
CMYK::darken() — Method in class CMYK
Returns a copy of the current color, darkened by the specified number of shades.
ColorInterface::dissolve() — Method in class ColorInterface
Returns a copy of current color, incrementing the alpha channel by the given amount.
ColorInterface::darken() — Method in class ColorInterface
Returns a copy of the current color, darkened by the specified number of shades.
Gray::dissolve() — Method in class Gray
Returns a copy of current color, incrementing the alpha channel by the given amount.
Gray::darken() — Method in class Gray
Returns a copy of the current color, darkened by the specified number of shades.
RGB::dissolve() — Method in class RGB
Returns a copy of current color, incrementing the alpha channel by the given amount.
RGB::darken() — Method in class RGB
Returns a copy of the current color, darkened by the specified number of shades.
Profile::data() — Method in class Profile
Returns the profile data.
ProfileInterface::data() — Method in class ProfileInterface
Returns the profile data.
DrawerClass in namespace Imagine\Imagick
Drawer implementation using the Imagick PHP extension.
Drawer::dot() — Method in class Drawer
Places a one pixel point at specific coordinates and fills it with specified color.
Image::draw() — Method in class Image
Instantiates and returns a DrawerInterface instance for image drawing.


DrawerInterface::ellipse() — Method in class DrawerInterface
Draws and ellipse with center at the given x, y coordinates, and given width and height.
EffectsInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Effects
Interface for the effects.
ExceptionClass in namespace Imagine\Exception
Imagine-specific exception.
Drawer::ellipse() — Method in class Drawer
Draws and ellipse with center at the given x, y coordinates, and given width and height.
EffectsClass in namespace Imagine\Gd
Effects implementation using the GD PHP extension.
Image::effects() — Method in class Image
Drawer::ellipse() — Method in class Drawer
Draws and ellipse with center at the given x, y coordinates, and given width and height.
EffectsClass in namespace Imagine\Gmagick
Effects implementation using the Gmagick PHP extension.
Image::effects() — Method in class Image
ImageInterface::effects() — Method in class ImageInterface
AbstractMetadataReader::extractFromFile() — Method in class AbstractMetadataReader
Extracts metadata from a file.
AbstractMetadataReader::extractFromData() — Method in class AbstractMetadataReader
Extracts metadata from raw data.
AbstractMetadataReader::extractFromStream() — Method in class AbstractMetadataReader
Extracts metadata from a stream.
DefaultMetadataReader::extractFromFile() — Method in class DefaultMetadataReader
Extracts metadata from a file.
DefaultMetadataReader::extractFromData() — Method in class DefaultMetadataReader
Extracts metadata from raw data.
DefaultMetadataReader::extractFromStream() — Method in class DefaultMetadataReader
Extracts metadata from a stream.
ExifMetadataReaderClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Metadata
Metadata driven by Exif information.
ExifMetadataReader::extractFromFile() — Method in class ExifMetadataReader
Extracts metadata from a file.
ExifMetadataReader::extractFromData() — Method in class ExifMetadataReader
Extracts metadata from raw data.
ExifMetadataReader::extractFromStream() — Method in class ExifMetadataReader
Extracts metadata from a stream.
Drawer::ellipse() — Method in class Drawer
Draws and ellipse with center at the given x, y coordinates, and given width and height.
EffectsClass in namespace Imagine\Imagick
Effects implementation using the Imagick PHP extension.
Image::effects() — Method in class Image
$Matrix#elementsProperty in class Matrix
The array of elements.


ClassFactory::finalize() — Method in class ClassFactory
Finalize the newly created object.
FillClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
A fill filter.
FlipHorizontallyClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
A "flip horizontally" filter.
FlipVerticallyClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
A "flip vertically" filter.
FilterInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Filter
Interface for imagine filters.
Transformation::flipHorizontally() — Method in class Transformation
Flips current image using vertical axis.
Transformation::flipVertically() — Method in class Transformation
Flips current image using horizontal axis.
Transformation::fill() — Method in class Transformation
Fills image with provided filling, by replacing each pixel's color in the current image with corresponding color from FillInterface, and returns modified image.
FontClass in namespace Imagine\Gd
Font implementation using the GD library.
Image::flipHorizontally() — Method in class Image
Flips current image using vertical axis.
Image::flipVertically() — Method in class Image
Flips current image using horizontal axis.
Image::fill() — Method in class Image
Fills image with provided filling, by replacing each pixel's color in the current image with corresponding color from FillInterface, and returns modified image.
Imagine::font() — Method in class Imagine
Constructs a font with specified $file, $size and $color.
FontClass in namespace Imagine\Gmagick
Font implementation using the Gmagick PHP extension.
Image::flipHorizontally() — Method in class Image
Flips current image using vertical axis.
Image::flipVertically() — Method in class Image
Flips current image using horizontal axis.
Image::fill() — Method in class Image
Fills image with provided filling, by replacing each pixel's color in the current image with corresponding color from FillInterface, and returns modified image.
Imagine::font() — Method in class Imagine
Constructs a font with specified $file, $size and $color.
$AbstractFont#fileProperty in class AbstractFont
FillInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Fill
Interface for the fill.
FontInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Image
The font interface.
ImagineInterface::font() — Method in class ImagineInterface
Constructs a font with specified $file, $size and $color.
ManipulatorInterface::flipHorizontally() — Method in class ManipulatorInterface
Flips current image using vertical axis.
ManipulatorInterface::flipVertically() — Method in class ManipulatorInterface
Flips current image using horizontal axis.
ManipulatorInterface::fill() — Method in class ManipulatorInterface
Fills image with provided filling, by replacing each pixel's color in the current image with corresponding color from FillInterface, and returns modified image.
Profile::fromPath() — Method in class Profile
Creates a profile from a path to a file.
FontClass in namespace Imagine\Imagick
Font implementation using the Imagick PHP extension.
Image::flipHorizontally() — Method in class Image
Flips current image using vertical axis.
Image::flipVertically() — Method in class Image
Flips current image using horizontal axis.
Image::fill() — Method in class Image
Fills image with provided filling, by replacing each pixel's color in the current image with corresponding color from FillInterface, and returns modified image.
Imagine::font() — Method in class Imagine
Constructs a font with specified $file, $size and $color.


EffectsInterface::gamma() — Method in class EffectsInterface
Apply gamma correction.
EffectsInterface::grayscale() — Method in class EffectsInterface
Grayscale the image.
ClassFactory::getGDInfo() — Method in class ClassFactory
ClassFactoryAwareInterface::getClassFactory() — Method in class ClassFactoryAwareInterface
Get the class factory instance to be used.
Loader::getPath() — Method in class Loader
Get the path of the file (local or remote).
Loader::getData() — Method in class Loader
Get the file binary contents.
LoaderInterface::getPath() — Method in class LoaderInterface
Get the path of the file (local or remote).
LoaderInterface::getData() — Method in class LoaderInterface
Get the file binary contents.
$BlackWhite#grayScaleFilterProperty in class BlackWhite
GrayscaleClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Advanced
The Grayscale filter calculates the gray-value based on RGB.
Autorotate::getTransformations() — Method in class Autorotate
Get the transformations.
ImagineAware::getImagine() — Method in class ImagineAware
Get ImagineInterface instance.
Transformation::getFilters() — Method in class Transformation
Returns a list of filters sorted by their priority. Filters with same priority will be returned in the order they were added.
Effects::gamma() — Method in class Effects
Apply gamma correction.
Effects::grayscale() — Method in class Effects
Grayscale the image.
Image::getGdResource() — Method in class Image
Returns Gd resource.
Image::get() — Method in class Image
Returns the image content as a binary string.
Image::getSize() — Method in class Image
Returns current image size.
Image::getColorAt() — Method in class Image
Returns color at specified positions of current image.
Effects::gamma() — Method in class Effects
Apply gamma correction.
Effects::grayscale() — Method in class Effects
Grayscale the image.
Image::getGmagick() — Method in class Image
Returns gmagick instance.
Image::get() — Method in class Image
Returns the image content as a binary string.
Image::getSize() — Method in class Image
Returns current image size.
Image::getColorAt() — Method in class Image
Returns color at specified positions of current image.
AbstractFont::getFile() — Method in class AbstractFont
Gets the fontfile for current font.
AbstractFont::getSize() — Method in class AbstractFont
Gets font's integer point size.
AbstractFont::getColor() — Method in class AbstractFont
Gets font's color.
AbstractFont::getClassFactory() — Method in class AbstractFont
Get the class factory instance to be used.
AbstractImage::getAllThumbnailModes() — Method in class AbstractImage
Get all the available thumbnail modes.
AbstractImage::getClassFactory() — Method in class AbstractImage
Get the class factory instance to be used.
AbstractImagine::getMetadataReader() — Method in class AbstractImagine
Get the object to be used to read image metadata.
AbstractImagine::getClassFactory() — Method in class AbstractImagine
Get the class factory instance to be used.
AbstractLayers::get() — Method in class AbstractLayers
Returns the image at offset.
AbstractLayers::getClassFactory() — Method in class AbstractLayers
Get the class factory instance to be used.
Box::getWidth() — Method in class Box
Gets box width.
Box::getHeight() — Method in class Box
Gets box height.
BoxInterface::getHeight() — Method in class BoxInterface
Gets box height.
BoxInterface::getWidth() — Method in class BoxInterface
Gets box width.
FillInterface::getColor() — Method in class FillInterface
Gets color of the fill for the given position.
Horizontal::getDistance() — Method in class Horizontal
Get the distance of the position relative to the beginning of the gradient.
Linear::getColor() — Method in class Linear
Gets color of the fill for the given position.
Linear::getStart() — Method in class Linear
Linear::getEnd() — Method in class Linear
Linear::getDistance() — Method in class Linear
Get the distance of the position relative to the beginning of the gradient.
Vertical::getDistance() — Method in class Vertical
Get the distance of the position relative to the beginning of the gradient.
FontInterface::getFile() — Method in class FontInterface
Gets the fontfile for current font.
FontInterface::getSize() — Method in class FontInterface
Gets font's integer point size.
FontInterface::getColor() — Method in class FontInterface
Gets font's color.
ImageInterface::get() — Method in class ImageInterface
Returns the image content as a binary string.
ImageInterface::getSize() — Method in class ImageInterface
Returns current image size.
ImageInterface::getColorAt() — Method in class ImageInterface
Returns color at specified positions of current image.
ImagineInterface::getMetadataReader() — Method in class ImagineInterface
Get the object to be used to read image metadata.
LayersInterface::get() — Method in class LayersInterface
Returns the image at offset.
MetadataBag::get() — Method in class MetadataBag
Returns the metadata key, default value if it does not exist.
MetadataBag::getIterator() — Method in class MetadataBag
CMYK::getChannelsMaxValue() — Method in class CMYK
Get the max value of palette components (255 for RGB and Grayscale, 100 for CMYK).
CMYK::getValue() — Method in class CMYK
Return the value of one of the component.
CMYK::getCyan() — Method in class CMYK
Returns Cyan value of the color (from 0 to 100).
CMYK::getMagenta() — Method in class CMYK
Returns Magenta value of the color (from 0 to 100).
CMYK::getYellow() — Method in class CMYK
Returns Yellow value of the color (from 0 to 100).
CMYK::getKeyline() — Method in class CMYK
Returns Key value of the color (from 0 to 100).
CMYK::getPalette() — Method in class CMYK
Returns the palette attached to the current color.
CMYK::getAlpha() — Method in class CMYK
Returns percentage of transparency of the color (from 0 - fully transparent, to 100 - fully opaque).
CMYK::grayscale() — Method in class CMYK
Returns a gray related to the current color.
ColorInterface::getValue() — Method in class ColorInterface
Return the value of one of the component.
ColorInterface::getAlpha() — Method in class ColorInterface
Returns percentage of transparency of the color (from 0 - fully transparent, to 100 - fully opaque).
ColorInterface::getPalette() — Method in class ColorInterface
Returns the palette attached to the current color.
ColorInterface::grayscale() — Method in class ColorInterface
Returns a gray related to the current color.
GrayClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Palette\Color
Gray::getValue() — Method in class Gray
Return the value of one of the component.
Gray::getGray() — Method in class Gray
Returns Gray value of the color (from 0 to 255).
Gray::getPalette() — Method in class Gray
Returns the palette attached to the current color.
Gray::getAlpha() — Method in class Gray
Returns percentage of transparency of the color (from 0 - fully transparent, to 100 - fully opaque).
Gray::grayscale() — Method in class Gray
Returns a gray related to the current color.
RGB::getValue() — Method in class RGB
Return the value of one of the component.
RGB::getRed() — Method in class RGB
Returns RED value of the color (from 0 to 255).
RGB::getGreen() — Method in class RGB
Returns GREEN value of the color (from 0 to 255).
RGB::getBlue() — Method in class RGB
Returns BLUE value of the color (from 0 to 255).
RGB::getPalette() — Method in class RGB
Returns the palette attached to the current color.
RGB::getAlpha() — Method in class RGB
Returns percentage of transparency of the color (from 0 - fully transparent, to 100 - fully opaque).
RGB::grayscale() — Method in class RGB
Returns a gray related to the current color.
GrayscaleClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Palette
The grayscale palette.
Grayscale::getChannelsMaxValue() — Method in class Grayscale
Get the max value of palette components (255 for RGB and Grayscale, 100 for CMYK).
PaletteInterface::getChannelsMaxValue() — Method in class PaletteInterface
Get the max value of palette components (255 for RGB and Grayscale, 100 for CMYK).
RGB::getChannelsMaxValue() — Method in class RGB
Get the max value of palette components (255 for RGB and Grayscale, 100 for CMYK).
Point::getX() — Method in class Point
Gets points x coordinate.
Point::getY() — Method in class Point
Gets points y coordinate.
PointInterface::getX() — Method in class PointInterface
Gets points x coordinate.
PointInterface::getY() — Method in class PointInterface
Gets points y coordinate.
PointSigned::getX() — Method in class PointSigned
Gets points x coordinate.
PointSigned::getY() — Method in class PointSigned
Gets points y coordinate.
Center::getX() — Method in class Center
Gets points x coordinate.
Center::getY() — Method in class Center
Gets points y coordinate.
Effects::gamma() — Method in class Effects
Apply gamma correction.
Effects::grayscale() — Method in class Effects
Grayscale the image.
Image::getImagick() — Method in class Image
Returns the underlying \Imagick instance.
Image::get() — Method in class Image
Returns the image content as a binary string.
Image::getSize() — Method in class Image
Returns current image size.
Image::getColorAt() — Method in class Image
Returns color at specified positions of current image.
Matrix::getWidth() — Method in class Matrix
Get the matrix width.
Matrix::getHeight() — Method in class Matrix
Get the matrix height.
Matrix::getElementAt() — Method in class Matrix
Get the value of a cell.
Matrix::getValueList() — Method in class Matrix
Return all the matrix values, as a monodimensional array.
Matrix::getMatrix() — Method in class Matrix
Return all the matrix values, as a bidimensional array (every array item contains the values of a row).


Loader::hasReadData() — Method in class Loader
Is the binary content already loaded?
LoaderInterface::hasReadData() — Method in class LoaderInterface
Is the binary content already loaded?
Image::histogram() — Method in class Image
Returns array of image colors as Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface instances.
Image::histogram() — Method in class Image
Returns array of image colors as Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface instances.
AbstractLayers::has() — Method in class AbstractLayers
Returns true if a layer at offset is preset.
Box::heighten() — Method in class Box
Resizes box to given height, constraining proportions and returns the new box.
BoxInterface::heighten() — Method in class BoxInterface
Resizes box to given height, constraining proportions and returns the new box.
HorizontalClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Fill\Gradient
Horizontal gradient fill.
ImageInterface::histogram() — Method in class ImageInterface
Returns array of image colors as Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface instances.
LayersInterface::has() — Method in class LayersInterface
Returns true if a layer at offset is preset.
Image::histogram() — Method in class Image
Returns array of image colors as Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface instances.
$Matrix#heightProperty in class Matrix
The matrix height.


InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Imagine\Exception
Imagine-specific invalid argument exception.
$Loader#isUrlProperty in class Loader
Does $path contain an URL?
$Loader#isCurlSupportedProperty in class Loader
Is curl available, with a decent version?
Loader::isLocalFile() — Method in class Loader
Is this a local file.
Loader::isCurlSupported() — Method in class Loader
Check if curl is available and it's a decent version.
LoaderInterface::isLocalFile() — Method in class LoaderInterface
Is this a local file.
ImagineAwareClass in namespace Imagine\Filter
ImagineAware base class.
ImageClass in namespace Imagine\Gd
Image implementation using the GD library.
Image::interlace() — Method in class Image
Enables or disables interlacing.
ImagineClass in namespace Imagine\Gd
Imagine implementation using the GD library.
ImageClass in namespace Imagine\Gmagick
Image implementation using the Gmagick PHP extension.
Image::interlace() — Method in class Image
Enables or disables interlacing.
ImagineClass in namespace Imagine\Gmagick
Imagine implementation using the Gmagick PHP extension.
Box::increase() — Method in class Box
Creates new BoxInterface, adding given size to both sides.
BoxInterface::increase() — Method in class BoxInterface
Creates new BoxInterface, adding given size to both sides.
ImageInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Image
The image interface.
ImageInterface::interlace() — Method in class ImageInterface
Enables or disables interlacing.
ImagineInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Image
The imagine interface.
ExifMetadataReader::isSupported() — Method in class ExifMetadataReader
Is this metadata reader supported?
CMYK::isOpaque() — Method in class CMYK
Checks if the current color is opaque.
ColorInterface::isOpaque() — Method in class ColorInterface
Checks if the current color is opaque.
Gray::isOpaque() — Method in class Gray
Checks if the current color is opaque.
RGB::isOpaque() — Method in class RGB
Checks if the current color is opaque.
Point::in() — Method in class Point
Checks if current coordinate is inside a given box.
PointInterface::in() — Method in class PointInterface
Checks if current coordinate is inside a given box.
PointSigned::in() — Method in class PointSigned
Checks if current coordinate is inside a given box.
Center::in() — Method in class Center
Checks if current coordinate is inside a given box.
ImageClass in namespace Imagine\Imagick
Image implementation using the Imagick PHP extension.
Image::interlace() — Method in class Image
Enables or disables interlacing.
ImagineClass in namespace Imagine\Imagick
Imagine implementation using the Imagick PHP extension.


Layers::key() — Method in class Layers
Layers::key() — Method in class Layers
Layers::key() — Method in class Layers


DrawerInterface::line() — Method in class DrawerInterface
Draws a line from start(x, y) to end(x, y) coordinates.
LoaderClass in namespace Imagine\File
Default implementation of Imagine\File\LoaderInterface.
LoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\File
Interface for classes that can load local or remote files.
Drawer::line() — Method in class Drawer
Draws a line from start(x, y) to end(x, y) coordinates.
Image::layers() — Method in class Image
Returns the image layers when applicable.
Imagine::load() — Method in class Imagine
Loads an image from a binary $string.
LayersClass in namespace Imagine\Gd
Drawer::line() — Method in class Drawer
Draws a line from start(x, y) to end(x, y) coordinates.
Image::layers() — Method in class Image
Returns the image layers when applicable.
Imagine::load() — Method in class Imagine
Loads an image from a binary $string.
LayersClass in namespace Imagine\Gmagick
LinearClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Fill\Gradient
Linear gradient fill.
ImageInterface::layers() — Method in class ImageInterface
Returns the image layers when applicable.
ImagineInterface::load() — Method in class ImagineInterface
Loads an image from a binary $string.
LayersInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Image
The layers interface.
CMYK::lighten() — Method in class CMYK
Returns a copy of the current color, lightened by the specified number of shades.
ColorInterface::lighten() — Method in class ColorInterface
Returns a copy of the current color, lightened by the specified number of shades.
Gray::lighten() — Method in class Gray
Returns a copy of the current color, lightened by the specified number of shades.
RGB::lighten() — Method in class RGB
Returns a copy of the current color, lightened by the specified number of shades.
Drawer::line() — Method in class Drawer
Draws a line from start(x, y) to end(x, y) coordinates.
Image::layers() — Method in class Image
Returns the image layers when applicable.
Imagine::load() — Method in class Imagine
Loads an image from a binary $string.
LayersClass in namespace Imagine\Imagick


$Neighborhood#matrixProperty in class Neighborhood
Image::mask() — Method in class Image
Transforms creates a grayscale mask from current image, returns a new image, while keeping the existing image unmodified.
Layers::merge() — Method in class Layers
Merge layers into the original objects.
Image::mask() — Method in class Image
Transforms creates a grayscale mask from current image, returns a new image, while keeping the existing image unmodified.
Layers::merge() — Method in class Layers
Merge layers into the original objects.
$AbstractImage#metadataProperty in class AbstractImage
AbstractImage::metadata() — Method in class AbstractImage
Returns the Image's meta data.
ImageInterface::mask() — Method in class ImageInterface
Transforms creates a grayscale mask from current image, returns a new image, while keeping the existing image unmodified.
ImageInterface::metadata() — Method in class ImageInterface
Returns the Image's meta data.
LayersInterface::merge() — Method in class LayersInterface
Merge layers into the original objects.
ManipulatorInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Image
The manipulator interface.
MetadataBagClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Metadata
The container of the data extracted from metadata.
MetadataReaderInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Metadata
Interface that metadata readers must implement.
Point::move() — Method in class Point
Returns another point, moved by a given amount from current coordinates.
PointInterface::move() — Method in class PointInterface
Returns another point, moved by a given amount from current coordinates.
PointSigned::move() — Method in class PointSigned
Returns another point, moved by a given amount from current coordinates.
Center::move() — Method in class Center
Returns another point, moved by a given amount from current coordinates.
Image::mask() — Method in class Image
Transforms creates a grayscale mask from current image, returns a new image, while keeping the existing image unmodified.
Layers::merge() — Method in class Layers
Merge layers into the original objects.
MatrixClass in namespace Imagine\Utils


EffectsInterface::negative() — Method in class EffectsInterface
Invert the colors of the image.
NotSupportedExceptionClass in namespace Imagine\Exception
Should be used when a driver does not support an operation.
NegationClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Advanced
This filter negates every color of every pixel of an image.
NeighborhoodClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Advanced
The Neighborhood filter takes a matrix and calculates the color current pixel based on its neighborhood.
Effects::negative() — Method in class Effects
Invert the colors of the image.
Layers::next() — Method in class Layers
Effects::negative() — Method in class Effects
Invert the colors of the image.
Layers::next() — Method in class Layers
CMYK::name() — Method in class CMYK
Returns the name of this Palette, one of PaletteInterface::PALETTE_ constants.
Grayscale::name() — Method in class Grayscale
Returns the name of this Palette, one of PaletteInterface::PALETTE_ constants.
PaletteInterface::name() — Method in class PaletteInterface
Returns the name of this Palette, one of PaletteInterface::PALETTE_ constants.
RGB::name() — Method in class RGB
Returns the name of this Palette, one of PaletteInterface::PALETTE_ constants.
Profile::name() — Method in class Profile
Returns the name of the profile.
ProfileInterface::name() — Method in class ProfileInterface
Returns the name of the profile.
Effects::negative() — Method in class Effects
Invert the colors of the image.
Layers::next() — Method in class Layers
Matrix::normalize() — Method in class Matrix
Returns a new Matrix instance, representing the normalized value of this matrix.


OutOfBoundsExceptionClass in namespace Imagine\Exception
Imagine-specific out of bounds exception.
OnPixelBasedClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Advanced
The OnPixelBased takes a callable, and for each pixel, this callable is called with the image (\Imagine\Image\ImageInterface) and the current point (\Imagine\Image\Point).
Imagine::open() — Method in class Imagine
Opens an existing image from $path.
Layers::offsetExists() — Method in class Layers
Layers::offsetGet() — Method in class Layers
Layers::offsetSet() — Method in class Layers
Layers::offsetUnset() — Method in class Layers
Imagine::open() — Method in class Imagine
Opens an existing image from $path.
Layers::offsetExists() — Method in class Layers
Layers::offsetGet() — Method in class Layers
Layers::offsetSet() — Method in class Layers
Layers::offsetUnset() — Method in class Layers
ImagineInterface::open() — Method in class ImagineInterface
Opens an existing image from $path.
MetadataBag::offsetExists() — Method in class MetadataBag
MetadataBag::offsetSet() — Method in class MetadataBag
MetadataBag::offsetUnset() — Method in class MetadataBag
MetadataBag::offsetGet() — Method in class MetadataBag
Imagine::open() — Method in class Imagine
Opens an existing image from $path.
Layers::offsetExists() — Method in class Layers
Layers::offsetGet() — Method in class Layers
Layers::offsetSet() — Method in class Layers
Layers::offsetUnset() — Method in class Layers


DrawerInterface::pieSlice() — Method in class DrawerInterface
Same as arc, but connects end points and the center.
DrawerInterface::polygon() — Method in class DrawerInterface
Draws a polygon using array of x, y coordinates. Must contain at least three coordinates.
$Loader#pathProperty in class Loader
The file path.
PasteClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
A paste filter.
Transformation::paste() — Method in class Transformation
Pastes an image into a parent image Throws exceptions if image exceeds parent image borders or if paste operation fails.
Drawer::pieSlice() — Method in class Drawer
Same as arc, but connects end points and the center.
Drawer::polygon() — Method in class Drawer
Draws a polygon using array of x, y coordinates. Must contain at least three coordinates.
Image::paste() — Method in class Image
Pastes an image into a parent image Throws exceptions if image exceeds parent image borders or if paste operation fails.
Image::palette() — Method in class Image
Return the current color palette.
Image::profile() — Method in class Image
Applies a color profile on the Image.
Drawer::pieSlice() — Method in class Drawer
Same as arc, but connects end points and the center.
Drawer::polygon() — Method in class Drawer
Draws a polygon using array of x, y coordinates. Must contain at least three coordinates.
Image::paste() — Method in class Image
Pastes an image into a parent image Throws exceptions if image exceeds parent image borders or if paste operation fails.
Image::pixelToColor() — Method in class Image
Returns a color given a pixel, depending the Palette context.
Image::palette() — Method in class Image
Return the current color palette.
Image::profile() — Method in class Image
Applies a color profile on the Image.
ImageInterface::palette() — Method in class ImageInterface
Return the current color palette.
ImageInterface::profile() — Method in class ImageInterface
Applies a color profile on the Image.
ManipulatorInterface::paste() — Method in class ManipulatorInterface
Pastes an image into a parent image Throws exceptions if image exceeds parent image borders or if paste operation fails.
CMYK::pixelDefinition() — Method in class CMYK
Returns an array containing ColorInterface::COLOR_* constants that define the structure of colors for a pixel.
CMYK::profile() — Method in class CMYK
Returns the ICC profile attached to this Palette.
ColorParser::parseToRGB() — Method in class ColorParser
Parses a color to a RGB tuple.
ColorParser::parseToCMYK() — Method in class ColorParser
Parses a color to a CMYK tuple.
ColorParser::parseToGrayscale() — Method in class ColorParser
Parses a color to a grayscale value.
Grayscale::pixelDefinition() — Method in class Grayscale
Returns an array containing ColorInterface::COLOR_* constants that define the structure of colors for a pixel.
Grayscale::profile() — Method in class Grayscale
Returns the ICC profile attached to this Palette.
PaletteInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Palette
Interface that any palette must implement.
PaletteInterface::profile() — Method in class PaletteInterface
Returns the ICC profile attached to this Palette.
PaletteInterface::pixelDefinition() — Method in class PaletteInterface
Returns an array containing ColorInterface::COLOR_* constants that define the structure of colors for a pixel.
RGB::pixelDefinition() — Method in class RGB
Returns an array containing ColorInterface::COLOR_* constants that define the structure of colors for a pixel.
RGB::profile() — Method in class RGB
Returns the ICC profile attached to this Palette.
PointClass in namespace Imagine\Image
The point class.
PointInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Image
The point interface.
PointSignedClass in namespace Imagine\Image
A point class that allows negative values of coordinates.
ProfileClass in namespace Imagine\Image
The default implementation of ProfileInterface.
ProfileInterfaceClass in namespace Imagine\Image
Drawer::pieSlice() — Method in class Drawer
Same as arc, but connects end points and the center.
Drawer::polygon() — Method in class Drawer
Draws a polygon using array of x, y coordinates. Must contain at least three coordinates.
Image::paste() — Method in class Image
Pastes an image into a parent image Throws exceptions if image exceeds parent image borders or if paste operation fails.
Image::pixelToColor() — Method in class Image
Returns a color given a pixel, depending the Palette context.
Image::palette() — Method in class Image
Return the current color palette.
Image::profile() — Method in class Image
Applies a color profile on the Image.


DrawerInterface::rectangle() — Method in class DrawerInterface
Draws a rectangle from left, top(x, y) to right, bottom(x, y) coordinates.
RuntimeExceptionClass in namespace Imagine\Exception
Imagine-specific runtime exception.
Loader::readLocalFile() — Method in class Loader
Read a local file.
Loader::readRemoteFile() — Method in class Loader
Read a remote file.
Loader::readRemoteFileWithCurl() — Method in class Loader
Read a remote file using the cURL extension.
Loader::readRemoteFileWithFileGetContents() — Method in class Loader
Read a remote file using the file_get_contents.
RelativeResizeClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Advanced
The RelativeResize filter allows images to be resized relative to their existing dimensions.
ResizeClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
A resize filter.
RotateClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
A rotate filter.
Transformation::resize() — Method in class Transformation
Resizes current image and returns self.
Transformation::rotate() — Method in class Transformation
Rotates an image at the given angle.
Drawer::rectangle() — Method in class Drawer
Draws a rectangle from left, top(x, y) to right, bottom(x, y) coordinates.
Image::resize() — Method in class Image
Resizes current image and returns self.
Image::rotate() — Method in class Image
Rotates an image at the given angle.
Imagine::read() — Method in class Imagine
Loads an image from a resource $resource.
Layers::rewind() — Method in class Layers
Drawer::rectangle() — Method in class Drawer
Draws a rectangle from left, top(x, y) to right, bottom(x, y) coordinates.
Image::resize() — Method in class Image
Resizes current image and returns self.
Image::rotate() — Method in class Image
Rotates an image at the given angle.
Imagine::read() — Method in class Imagine
Loads an image from a resource $resource.
Layers::rewind() — Method in class Layers
AbstractLayers::remove() — Method in class AbstractLayers
Removes the image at offset.
RangeClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Histogram
Range histogram.
ImagineInterface::read() — Method in class ImagineInterface
Loads an image from a resource $resource.
LayersInterface::remove() — Method in class LayersInterface
Removes the image at offset.
ManipulatorInterface::resize() — Method in class ManipulatorInterface
Resizes current image and returns self.
ManipulatorInterface::rotate() — Method in class ManipulatorInterface
Rotates an image at the given angle.
AbstractMetadataReader::readFile() — Method in class AbstractMetadataReader
Reads metadata from a file.
AbstractMetadataReader::readData() — Method in class AbstractMetadataReader
Reads metadata from a binary string.
AbstractMetadataReader::readStream() — Method in class AbstractMetadataReader
Reads metadata from a stream.
MetadataReaderInterface::readFile() — Method in class MetadataReaderInterface
Reads metadata from a file.
MetadataReaderInterface::readData() — Method in class MetadataReaderInterface
Reads metadata from a binary string.
MetadataReaderInterface::readStream() — Method in class MetadataReaderInterface
Reads metadata from a stream.
RGBClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Palette\Color
RGBClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Palette
The RGB palette.
Drawer::rectangle() — Method in class Drawer
Draws a rectangle from left, top(x, y) to right, bottom(x, y) coordinates.
Image::resize() — Method in class Image
Resizes current image and returns self.
Image::rotate() — Method in class Image
Rotates an image at the given angle.
Imagine::read() — Method in class Imagine
Loads an image from a resource $resource.
Layers::rewind() — Method in class Layers


EffectsInterface::sharpen() — Method in class EffectsInterface
Sharpens the image.
ClassFactoryAwareInterface::setClassFactory() — Method in class ClassFactoryAwareInterface
Set the class factory instance to be used.
Loader::setCurlOptions() — Method in class Loader
Set curl options.
SaveClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
A save filter.
ShowClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
A show filter.
StripClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
A strip filter.
ImagineAware::setImagine() — Method in class ImagineAware
Set ImagineInterface instance.
Transformation::strip() — Method in class Transformation
Remove all profiles and comments.
Transformation::save() — Method in class Transformation
Saves the image at a specified path, the target file extension is used to determine file format, only jpg, jpeg, gif, png, wbmp, xbm, webp and bmp are supported.
Transformation::show() — Method in class Transformation
Outputs the image content.
Effects::sharpen() — Method in class Effects
Sharpens the image.
Image::save() — Method in class Image
Saves the image at a specified path, the target file extension is used to determine file format, only jpg, jpeg, gif, png, wbmp, xbm, webp and bmp are supported.
Image::show() — Method in class Image
Outputs the image content.
Image::strip() — Method in class Image
Remove all profiles and comments.
Effects::sharpen() — Method in class Effects
Sharpens the image.
Image::strip() — Method in class Image
Remove all profiles and comments.
Image::save() — Method in class Image
Saves the image at a specified path, the target file extension is used to determine file format, only jpg, jpeg, gif, png, wbmp, xbm, webp and bmp are supported.
Image::show() — Method in class Image
Outputs the image content.
$AbstractFont#sizeProperty in class AbstractFont
AbstractFont::setClassFactory() — Method in class AbstractFont
Set the class factory instance to be used.
AbstractImage::setClassFactory() — Method in class AbstractImage
Set the class factory instance to be used.
AbstractImagine::setMetadataReader() — Method in class AbstractImagine
Set the object to be used to read image metadata.
AbstractImagine::setClassFactory() — Method in class AbstractImagine
Set the class factory instance to be used.
AbstractLayers::set() — Method in class AbstractLayers
Set an image at offset.
AbstractLayers::setClassFactory() — Method in class AbstractLayers
Set the class factory instance to be used.
Box::scale() — Method in class Box
Creates new BoxInterface instance with ratios applied to both sides.
Box::square() — Method in class Box
Gets current box square, useful for getting total number of pixels in a given box.
BoxInterface::scale() — Method in class BoxInterface
Creates new BoxInterface instance with ratios applied to both sides.
BoxInterface::square() — Method in class BoxInterface
Gets current box square, useful for getting total number of pixels in a given box.
ImagineInterface::setMetadataReader() — Method in class ImagineInterface
Set the object to be used to read image metadata.
LayersInterface::set() — Method in class LayersInterface
Set an image at offset.
ManipulatorInterface::save() — Method in class ManipulatorInterface
Saves the image at a specified path, the target file extension is used to determine file format, only jpg, jpeg, gif, png, wbmp, xbm, webp and bmp are supported.
ManipulatorInterface::show() — Method in class ManipulatorInterface
Outputs the image content.
ManipulatorInterface::strip() — Method in class ManipulatorInterface
Remove all profiles and comments.
CMYK::supportsAlpha() — Method in class CMYK
Tells if alpha channel is supported in this palette.
Grayscale::supportsAlpha() — Method in class Grayscale
Tells if alpha channel is supported in this palette.
PaletteInterface::supportsAlpha() — Method in class PaletteInterface
Tells if alpha channel is supported in this palette.
RGB::supportsAlpha() — Method in class RGB
Tells if alpha channel is supported in this palette.
Effects::sharpen() — Method in class Effects
Sharpens the image.
Image::strip() — Method in class Image
Remove all profiles and comments.
Image::save() — Method in class Image
Saves the image at a specified path, the target file extension is used to determine file format, only jpg, jpeg, gif, png, wbmp, xbm, webp and bmp are supported.
Image::show() — Method in class Image
Outputs the image content.
Matrix::setElementAt() — Method in class Matrix
Set the value of a cell.


DrawerInterface::text() — Method in class DrawerInterface
Annotates image with specified text at a given position starting on the top left of the final text box.
ThumbnailClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
A thumbnail filter.
TransformationClass in namespace Imagine\Filter
A transformation filter.
Transformation::thumbnail() — Method in class Transformation
Generates a thumbnail from a current image Returns it as a new image, doesn't modify the current image.
Drawer::text() — Method in class Drawer
Annotates image with specified text at a given position starting on the top left of the final text box.
Drawer::text() — Method in class Drawer
Annotates image with specified text at a given position starting on the top left of the final text box.
AbstractImage::thumbnail() — Method in class AbstractImage
Generates a thumbnail from a current image Returns it as a new image, doesn't modify the current image.
ManipulatorInterface::thumbnail() — Method in class ManipulatorInterface
Generates a thumbnail from a current image Returns it as a new image, doesn't modify the current image.
MetadataBag::toArray() — Method in class MetadataBag
Returns metadata as an associative array.
Drawer::text() — Method in class Drawer
Annotates image with specified text at a given position starting on the top left of the final text box.


Image::usePalette() — Method in class Image
Set a palette for the image. Useful to change colorspace.
Image::usePalette() — Method in class Image
Set a palette for the image. Useful to change colorspace.
AbstractImage::updateSaveOptions() — Method in class AbstractImage
Updates a given array of save options for backward compatibility with legacy names.
ImageInterface::usePalette() — Method in class ImageInterface
Set a palette for the image. Useful to change colorspace.
CMYK::useProfile() — Method in class CMYK
Attachs an ICC profile to this Palette.
Grayscale::useProfile() — Method in class Grayscale
Attachs an ICC profile to this Palette.
PaletteInterface::useProfile() — Method in class PaletteInterface
Attachs an ICC profile to this Palette.
RGB::useProfile() — Method in class RGB
Attachs an ICC profile to this Palette.
Image::usePalette() — Method in class Image
Set a palette for the image. Useful to change colorspace.


Layers::valid() — Method in class Layers
Layers::valid() — Method in class Layers
VerticalClass in namespace Imagine\Image\Fill\Gradient
Vertical gradient fill.
Layers::valid() — Method in class Layers


WebOptimizationClass in namespace Imagine\Filter\Basic
A filter to render web-optimized images.
AbstractFont::wrapText() — Method in class AbstractFont
Split a string into multiple lines so that it fits a specific width.
Box::widen() — Method in class Box
Resizes box to given width, constraining proportions and returns the new box.
BoxInterface::widen() — Method in class BoxInterface
Resizes box to given width, constraining proportions and returns the new box.
FontInterface::wrapText() — Method in class FontInterface
Split a string into multiple lines so that it fits a specific width.
$Matrix#widthProperty in class Matrix
The matrix width.


Loader::__construct() — Method in class Loader
Initialize the instance.
Loader::__toString() — Method in class Loader
The string representation of this object must be the file path (local or remote).
LoaderInterface::__toString() — Method in class LoaderInterface
The string representation of this object must be the file path (local or remote).
BlackWhite::__construct() — Method in class BlackWhite
Initialize this filter.
Border::__construct() — Method in class Border
Constructs Border filter with given color, width and height.
BorderDetection::__construct() — Method in class BorderDetection
Initialize this filter.
Canvas::__construct() — Method in class Canvas
Constructs Canvas filter with given width and height and the placement of the current image inside the new canvas.
Grayscale::__construct() — Method in class Grayscale
Initialize the instance.
Neighborhood::__construct() — Method in class Neighborhood
Initialize the instance.
OnPixelBased::__construct() — Method in class OnPixelBased
Initialize the instance.
RelativeResize::__construct() — Method in class RelativeResize
Constructs a RelativeResize filter with the given method and argument.
ApplyMask::__construct() — Method in class ApplyMask
Initialize the instance.
Autorotate::__construct() — Method in class Autorotate
Crop::__construct() — Method in class Crop
Constructs a Crop filter with given x, y, coordinates and crop width and height values.
Fill::__construct() — Method in class Fill
Paste::__construct() — Method in class Paste
Constructs a Paste filter with given ImageInterface to paste and x, y coordinates of target position.
Resize::__construct() — Method in class Resize
Constructs Resize filter with given width and height.
Rotate::__construct() — Method in class Rotate
Constructs Rotate filter with given angle and background color.
Save::__construct() — Method in class Save
Constructs Save filter with given path and options.
Show::__construct() — Method in class Show
Constructs the Show filter with given format and options.
Thumbnail::__construct() — Method in class Thumbnail
Constructs the Thumbnail filter.
WebOptimization::__construct() — Method in class WebOptimization
Transformation::__construct() — Method in class Transformation
Class constructor.
Drawer::__construct() — Method in class Drawer
Constructs Drawer with a given gd image resource.
Effects::__construct() — Method in class Effects
Initialize the instance.
Image::__construct() — Method in class Image
Constructs a new Image instance.
Image::__destruct() — Method in class Image
Makes sure the current image resource is destroyed.
Image::__clone() — Method in class Image
Clones all the resources associated to this instance.
Image::__toString() — Method in class Image
Returns the image content as a PNG binary string.
Imagine::__construct() — Method in class Imagine
Layers::__construct() — Method in class Layers
Drawer::__construct() — Method in class Drawer
Effects::__construct() — Method in class Effects
Initialize the instance.
Font::__construct() — Method in class Font
Image::__construct() — Method in class Image
Constructs a new Image instance.
Image::__destruct() — Method in class Image
Destroys allocated gmagick resources.
Image::__clone() — Method in class Image
Clones all the resources associated to this instance.
Image::__toString() — Method in class Image
Returns the image content as a PNG binary string.
Imagine::__construct() — Method in class Imagine
Layers::__construct() — Method in class Layers
AbstractFont::__construct() — Method in class AbstractFont
Constructs a font with specified $file, $size and $color.
AbstractImage::__clone() — Method in class AbstractImage
Clones all the resources associated to this instance.
Box::__construct() — Method in class Box
Constructs the Size with given width and height.
Box::__toString() — Method in class Box
Returns a string representation of the current box.
BoxInterface::__toString() — Method in class BoxInterface
Returns a string representation of the current box.
Linear::__construct() — Method in class Linear
Constructs a linear gradient with overall gradient length, and start and end shades, which default to 0 and 255 accordingly.
Bucket::__construct() — Method in class Bucket
Range::__construct() — Method in class Range
ImageInterface::__toString() — Method in class ImageInterface
Returns the image content as a PNG binary string.
ExifMetadataReader::__construct() — Method in class ExifMetadataReader
MetadataBag::__construct() — Method in class MetadataBag
CMYK::__construct() — Method in class CMYK
CMYK::__construct() — Method in class CMYK
CMYK::__toString() — Method in class CMYK
Returns hex representation of the color.
ColorInterface::__toString() — Method in class ColorInterface
Returns hex representation of the color.
Gray::__construct() — Method in class Gray
Gray::__toString() — Method in class Gray
Returns hex representation of the color.
RGB::__construct() — Method in class RGB
RGB::__toString() — Method in class RGB
Returns hex representation of the color.
Grayscale::__construct() — Method in class Grayscale
RGB::__construct() — Method in class RGB
Point::__construct() — Method in class Point
Constructs a point of coordinates.
Point::__toString() — Method in class Point
Gets a string representation for the current point.
PointInterface::__toString() — Method in class PointInterface
Gets a string representation for the current point.
PointSigned::__construct() — Method in class PointSigned
Constructs a point of coordinates.
PointSigned::__toString() — Method in class PointSigned
Gets a string representation for the current point.
Center::__construct() — Method in class Center
Constructs coordinate with size instance, it needs to be relative to.
Center::__toString() — Method in class Center
Gets a string representation for the current point.
Profile::__construct() — Method in class Profile
Drawer::__construct() — Method in class Drawer
Effects::__construct() — Method in class Effects
Initialize the instance.
Font::__construct() — Method in class Font
Image::__construct() — Method in class Image
Constructs a new Image instance.
Image::__clone() — Method in class Image
Clones all the resources associated to this instance.
Image::__destruct() — Method in class Image
Destroys allocated imagick resources.
Image::__toString() — Method in class Image
Returns the image content as a PNG binary string.
Imagine::__construct() — Method in class Imagine
Layers::__construct() — Method in class Layers
Matrix::__construct() — Method in class Matrix
The given $elements get arranged as follows: The elements will be set from left to right in a row until the row is full. Then, the next line begins alike and so on.