Interface for the drawer.
Interface for the effects.
Imagine-specific exception.
Imagine-specific invalid argument exception.
Should be used when a driver does not support an operation.
Imagine-specific out of bounds exception.
Imagine-specific runtime exception.
The default implementation of Imagine\Factory\ClassFactoryInterface.
An interface that classes that accepts a class factory should implement.
The interface that class factories must implement.
Default implementation of Imagine\File\LoaderInterface.
Interface for classes that can load local or remote files.
This filter calculates, for each pixel of an image, whether it is ligher or darker than a threshold.
A border filter.
BorderDetection based on Laplace-Operator. Three different variants are offered:.
A canvas filter.
The Grayscale filter calculates the gray-value based on RGB.
This filter negates every color of every pixel of an image.
The Neighborhood filter takes a matrix and calculates the color current pixel based on its neighborhood.
The OnPixelBased takes a callable, and for each pixel, this callable is called with the image (\Imagine\Image\ImageInterface) and the current point (\Imagine\Image\Point).
The RelativeResize filter allows images to be resized relative to their existing dimensions.
An apply mask filter.
Rotates an image automatically based on exif information.
A copy filter.
A crop filter.
A fill filter.
A "flip horizontally" filter.
A "flip vertically" filter.
A paste filter.
A resize filter.
A rotate filter.
A save filter.
A show filter.
A strip filter.
A thumbnail filter.
A filter to render web-optimized images.
Interface for imagine filters.
ImagineAware base class.
A transformation filter.
Drawer implementation using the GD PHP extension.
Effects implementation using the GD PHP extension.
Font implementation using the GD library.
Image implementation using the GD library.
Imagine implementation using the GD library.
Drawer implementation using the Gmagick PHP extension.
Effects implementation using the Gmagick PHP extension.
Font implementation using the Gmagick PHP extension.
Image implementation using the Gmagick PHP extension.
Imagine implementation using the Gmagick PHP extension.
Abstract font base class.
A box implementation.
Interface for a box.
Interface for the fill.
Horizontal gradient fill.
Linear gradient fill.
Vertical gradient fill.
The font interface.
Bucket histogram.
Range histogram.
The image interface.
The imagine interface.
The layers interface.
The manipulator interface.
Base class for the default metadata readers.
A metadata reader that actually doesn't try to extract metadata.
Metadata driven by Exif information.
The container of the data extracted from metadata.
Interface that metadata readers must implement.
The CMYK palette.
The grayscale palette.
Interface that any palette must implement.
The RGB palette.
The point class.
The point interface.
A point class that allows negative values of coordinates.
Center point of a box.
The default implementation of ProfileInterface.
Drawer implementation using the Imagick PHP extension.
Effects implementation using the Imagick PHP extension.
Font implementation using the Imagick PHP extension.
Image implementation using the Imagick PHP extension.
Imagine implementation using the Imagick PHP extension.